As specialists in industrial irradiation processes (gamma, electron beam and low, medium and high energy X-rays) we implement RayXpert not only for radioprotection calculations but also and especially for deposit dose simulations on irradiated products with their real geometrical configuration, notably by importing 3D modeling files derived from Autocad. In addition, for people who like me have never used tools such as Geant 4, EGS or MCNP, RayXpert is a fantastic tool. No need to be a computer scientist to get the best out of this software just to be a physicist to understand the phenomena and the underlying physics
The user-friendly graphical interface of this software, including the possibility to import complex CAD geometries and to introduce radioactive multi-sources, enables to easily solve, with a high precision, complex problems in different nuclear fields such as the dose rates definition for the qualification of Instrumentation and Control equipment, the shielding calculations and the radioactive waste characterisation
What I like best in RAYXPERT is the ease of model geometry input. Import from CAD files works flawless. The embedded script language gives me the flexibility for ambitious projects in gamma, e-beam and X-ray processing.
RayXpert has been an excellent tool to speed up our development cycle. We are now able to design effective shielding without numerous expensive lead prototypes. It accommodates our complex geometry, and provides a precise method to optimize the design, in order to reduce the weight and cost of our system.
We use RayXpert for calculation of the shielding of a transport container for our 60Co sources. We plan to use it in the future for other similar projects. It is in principle easy to use tool after few training sessions with TRAD. RayXpert imports CAD files of the objects for simulation of 3D dose distribution. We can also add multiple detectors at the desired locations around the object for more precise dose calculation, including indication of the precision. RayXpert has also a nice feature to continue simulations from the previously saved data, which helps to improve the accuracy of the results.